You should not write:
OTA enables activists to identify misleading terms.
The Open Terms Archive enables activists to identify misleading terms.
OpenTermsArchive enables activists to identify misleading terms.
You should write:
Open Terms Archive enables activists to identify misleading terms.
January 14, 2025
From now on, Meta will allow messages that refer to “women as household objects (…); Black people as farm equipment; transgender or non-binary people as ‘it’”, warns Matti Schneider of Open Terms Archive.
January 13, 2025
Meta ends its minority inclusion policy and even removed from its community guidelines the interdiction to compare Black people to farm equipment or women to properties.
January 9, 2025
In an absolutely lunar video, [Mark Zuckerberg] calmly explains his vision of our entry “into a new era”, and his decision […] to “simplify [the] regulatory principles and eliminate various restrictions”.
January 9, 2025
Concretely, Meta’s new “community standards” stipulate, for example, and among other monstrosities: “We allow allegations of mental illness or abnormality when they are based on gender or sexual orientation.”
January 8, 2025
As documented by the Platform Governance Archive, Meta has significantly rewritten its Community Guidelines, removing crucial protections against hate speech and reframing these rules as “hateful conduct” policies. I think Matti Schneider articulates the concerns this raises best in his LinkedIn post on the topic. He argues that these changes explicitly permit previously restricted content, particularly harmful speech targeting gender, sexual orientation, and minority groups.
October 4, 2022
A quick glance at the free and open tool for tracking and archiving changes in the TOS of major online service providers, “Open Terms Archive”, developed by the [French] Digital Ambassador, shows how indigestible and evolving the legal texts are.
June 20, 2022
It is time to strategically support the digital commons in order to bring real benefits of an interconnected world to European citizens, write a group of eighteen organisations, united behind a public vision of the internet.
January 21, 2022
However, Matti Schneider from the Open Terms Archive (OTA) project that follows changes to the ToS for more than 200 digital platforms responded to Poteat saying that the authors of the TLDR bill didn’t pen the bill in isolation and did reach out to those working towards adding transparency to the ToS, including the OTA project.
September 27, 2021
Whatsapp, Google, Facebook and the like have become our daily lives. We spend our time on them, and yet we don’t know them. At least not legally speaking. To do so, we should take the time to read their Terms of Use, but even more so, to re-read them as their changes are frequent and far from trivial for users, and as these ToS say a lot about the service offered. Open Terms Archive was created to remedy this lack of knowledge, which contributes to the imbalance of power between digital giants and users.
April 19, 2021
French tech ambassador Henri Verdier, a career technologist prior to his diplomatic appointment, brought his tech industry experience to bear on this problem by developing an open source tool, Open Terms Archive, which lets anyone see what specific wording has been changed in the Terms of Service for over 100 different companies.
February 2021
By scrutinising and making public the evolutions of the Terms of Service, the Open Terms Archive team intends to give the power back to citizens.
February 22, 2021
The Open Terms Archive is a free and collaborative tool that records changes to a terms of service document in real time – similar to how Google Docs tracks changes. It displays specific changes in the document and provides a history of all its different versions.
February 17, 2021
L’objectif du logiciel est de donner aux internautes les informations nécessaires à leur compréhension de la vulnérabilité, de la loyauté et de la légalité des règlements.
February 17, 2021
Open Terms Archive, un logiciel libre et collaboratif, et l’outil Scripta Manent permettent de suivre les évolutions des conditions générales d’utilisation (CGU) des principaux fournisseurs de services en ligne.
February 17, 2021
Il faut parfois passer 10, 30 voire 60 minutes pour lire les CGU. Une activité décourageante dès lors qu’on est amené à utiliser plusieurs services comme Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Twitter, Netflix, TikTok, Zoom ou encore Microsoft. Open Terms Archive ne remplace pas une lecture complète, mais permet de (re)découvrir ces conditions et de vérifier dans quel sens elles évoluent.
February 16, 2021
Open Terms Archive “enregistre en temps réel les publications des nouvelles versions de ces documents, en mettant en exergue les changements appliqués et conservant l’historique de ces évolutions
February 16, 2021
Ce logiciel libre et collaboratif permet de suivre l’évolution des CGU pour examiner si elles ont changé depuis votre inscription et si elles sont en conformité avec la loi.
February 16, 2021
L’outil est particulièrement bien conçu, car il est simple à prendre en main, y compris pour des personnes n’étant ni juristes ni spécialistes en informatique. Il suffit de choisir dans le menu déroulant l’entreprise que l’on veut inspecter, le type de contrat qui nous intéresse, et de définir des dates. Scripta Manent génère ensuite un document hybride qui souligne avec un code couleur vert et rouge ce qui a changé.